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Advocate for Change

Delay LTSS Implementation

Put the brakes on LTSS Implementation!

DDA needs more time to develop a stable transition

25,000 Marylanders with developmental disabilities rely on DDA supports and services to live and work in their communities.  DDA is moving forward with major systems changes that will impact all aspects of community supports, including funding, person centered planning, regulation, and billing and payment.  While many of the changes are positive, the ambitious timeline for the systems transformation is concerning.

Senator Guy Guzzone and Delegate Bonnie Cullison have introduced legislation that:

  • Requires DDA to ensure that people and providers are not adversely impacted,
  • Delays implementation of new service definitions and LTSS to July 1, 2021;
  • Ensure people who take action within 30 days to appeal their loss of Medicaid eligibility can maintain their services during the appeal process;
  • Requires a number of reports from DDA to ensure that the system, rates, communication, backup plans and training are all in place in order to ensure a smooth transition in which neither people with disabilities nor providers are hurt.

Click the links below to email the Montgomery County representatives on the Senate Finance Committee, or use the number displayed to call their office.