Respite Coordination
The challenge of caring for a frail senior citizen or a family member who has disabilities is a difficult reality for many Montgomery County families. Caregiving is a demanding job and caregivers need occasional breaks so they can return to their duties refreshed. These breaks are called "respite."
The Arc Montgomery County can coordinate short-term respite for unpaid, primary caregivers who live in the same household as:
- Children or adults with functional disabilities (limited activities of daily living that require ongoing support like cancer, MS, traumatic brain injury, advanced diabetes);
- Children or adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities;
- Children with challenging behaviors;
- Frail senior citizens.
Respite care can be provided for a few hours, a day, a weekend, or sometimes longer. However, respite care is not a substitute for ongoing care, school, alternative child care, adult day care or any other funded program. It's just a way to support families who take care of their loved ones at home. Families can choose from many respite care venues, including the family home, community and recreational programs, camps, and approved respite facilities.