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How To Help

Become a Member

Now more than ever, individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities need to be heard. Public funds are being squeezed just as people are making wonderful strides toward becoming fully included, valued, engaged members of their communities. There’s never been a better time to make a difference! 

Your membership creates positive change in your community and helps The Arc stand beside your children, neighbors, friends, and colleagues as they strive for complete inclusion in every aspect of community life.  

Because of your membership, we are able to provide support services for over 1,100 children, youth, adults, seniors, and their families every day.  Among the services we provide are inclusive childcare, work skills training, employment, community living support, advocacy, and coordination of respite care.

Membership benefits include:

  • Bi-annual newsletter 
  • Monthly electronic newsletter
  • Annual report  
  • Voting rights at chapter annual elections
  • Voting rights at membership meetings  
  • Membership in The Arc Maryland
  • Membership in The Arc of the United States

The Arc Maryland is a membership organization of ten local chapters of The Arc serving 19 counties and Baltimore City, with a primary focus on state-wide advocacy and programming.

The Arc of the United States is the largest national community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Additional benefits include discounted registration to annual national events and access to exclusive insurance coverage rates.

Make a difference in Montgomery County!

The Arc Montgomery County is a private nonprofit which provides daily direct support services to children, youth, adults, and seniors with and without disabilities and their families.   

  • Fully-inclusive child care with preschool, special education, and nursing support
  • Youth after-school and summer programming
  • Work skills training and other employment services for adults with IDD
  • Community living support in the family home or at 30+ residential locations for adults with IDD
  • Disability benefits counseling
  • Coordination of respite care for unpaid, live-in caregivers of children/adults with disabilities and frail senior citizens 

We have proudly supported our community for over 60 years!