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Strategic Planning

Communication & Connection

Communication, especially for families, is a priority, with a focus on building connections which enhance interaction and provide valuable information.

Goal 1—Enhance communication between and among people supported, their families, and our team

Click here to jump to Goal 2

Objective 1—Create a customer service department to address questions and resolve issues

Click on any purple text to learn more about the recommended tactics that will be used to reach this goal.  Black text does not yet have tactics.

Objective 2—Improve communication satisfaction
Objective 3—Create new opportunities for people to connect personally

Goal 2—Reimagine using technology to support better connections

Click on any purple text to learn more about the recommended tactics that will be used to reach this goal.  Black text does not yet have tactics.

Objective 1—Pilot groups of family members to enhance understanding/use of technology
Objective 2—Pilot groups of people supported to enhance understanding/use of technology

C&C Group 1—Calixta Benitez, Beth-Ann Carter, Jean Hamilton, Kim Hope, Michele Kirkpatrick, Lori Krolikowski, Kim Njowusi, Lauren Peirce.

If you would like to join a Strategic Plan work group, please contact Deborah Mark, or 301.984.5777 x1245.