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Strategic Planning

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Intentionally focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging will reap long-term benefits for our employees, our organization, and our community.

Goal 1—Cultivate, sustain, celebrate and appreciate a dynamic and diverse workforce
Objective 1—Launch a diverse and comprehensive DEIB work group, guided by a consultant


  • A–Solicit volunteers
  • B–Research DEIB group structures, roles, and duties
  • C–Define DEIB for The Arc
  • D–Survey employees for current DEIB data
Objective 2—Provide employees with opportunities designed to facilitate belonging


  • A–Celebrate impact of employees' life and work
  • B–Structure opportunities to allow full participation

Goal 2—Demonstrate workforce equity, nurturing DEIB

Objective 1—Define workforce equity and measure where The Arc stands


  • A–Determine if workforce equity exists
  • B–Evaluate hiring, working conditons, and benefits to ensure equity
Objective 2—Employees feel their colleagues understand and respect their culture and identity


  • A–Provide space for cultural and self-identity groups
  • B–Encourage employees to create affinity groups

DEIB Group 1—Kameisha Bennett, Nikos Daley, Olivia Jebboe Gassim, Lizette Hoffman, Olufunke Obalase Howie, Kelli Hunter-Bennett, Deby Kijak, C.Marie Taylor.

If you would like to join a Strategic Plan work group, please contact Deborah Mark, or 301.984.5777 x1245.