Intentionally focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging will reap long-term benefits for our employees, our organization, and our community.
Goal 1—Cultivate, sustain, celebrate and appreciate a dynamic and diverse workforce
Objective 1—Launch a diverse and comprehensive DEIB work group, guided by a consultant
A–Solicit volunteers
B–Research DEIB group structures, roles, and duties
C–Define DEIB for The Arc
D–Survey employees for current DEIB data
Objective 2—Provide employees with opportunities designed to facilitate belonging
A–Celebrate impact of employees' life and work
B–Structure opportunities to allow full participation
Goal 2—Demonstrate workforce equity, nurturing DEIB
Objective 1—Define workforce equity and measure where The Arc stands
A–Determine if workforce equity exists
B–Evaluate hiring, working conditons, and benefits to ensure equity
Objective 2—Employees feel their colleagues understand and respect their culture and identity
A–Provide space for cultural and self-identity groups
B–Encourage employees to create affinity groups
DEIB Group 1—Kameisha Bennett, Nikos Daley, Olivia Jebboe Gassim, Lizette Hoffman, Olufunke Obalase Howie, Kelli Hunter-Bennett, Deby Kijak, C.Marie Taylor.
If you would like to join a Strategic Plan work group, please contact Deborah Mark, or 301.984.5777 x1245.