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For Children & Youth

KFICCC Payments

Please do not use this page to make donations!  This page is only for paying KFICCC tuition and fees. Donations should be made by clicking on the orange DONATE ribbon above.

KFICCC Payments

Hot Lunch-First Child
Hot Lunch-First Child

Hot Lunch-First Child

Hot Lunch-First Child

This payment is for the first child in your family.

Choose quantity of 1.

NOTE: Because this fee changes monthly, you may only pay for months which are displayed. If you need to pay for other months, please see Khalia Camp in person.

Hot lunch payments are due BEFORE the last THURSDAY of each month. If payments are made after this deadline, hot lunch may not be provided.

Hot Lunch-Second Child
Hot Lunch-Second Child

Hot Lunch-Second Child

Hot Lunch-Second Child

This payment is for the second child in your family.

Choose quantity of 1.

NOTE: Because this fee changes monthly, you may only pay for months which are displayed. If you need to pay for other months, please see Khalia Camp in person.

Hot lunch payments are due BEFORE the last THURSDAY of each month. If payments are made after this deadline, hot lunch may not be provided.

Hot Lunch-Third Child
Hot Lunch-Third Child

Hot Lunch-Third Child

Hot Lunch-Third Child

This payment is for the third child in your family.

Choose quantity of 1.

NOTE: Because this fee changes monthly, you may only pay for months which are displayed. If you need to pay for other months, please see Khalia Camp in person.

Hot lunch payments are due BEFORE the last THURSDAY of each month. If payments are made after this deadline, hot lunch may not be provided.

Late Pickup Charge
Late Pickup Charge

Late Pickup Charge

Late Pickup Charge

Enter the number of minutes you are paying in late pickup charges ($1/minute per child).

Outstanding minutes from multiple children can be added together and paid as one sum.

@ $1.00 ea.



Choose quantity for number of t-shirts you are purchasing (adult and child).

Note: one child-sized t-shirt is included with each Summer Activity Fee.

@ $12.00 ea.
Registration Fee
Registration Fee

Registration Fee

Registration Fee

Enter number of registration fees you are paying ($50 per child). This fee is non-refundable but may be applied to the application fee at the time of enrollment.

This fee is non-refundable.

@ $50.00 ea.